In last night's dream, I used Floam (remember THAT?) that was pink, purple, and blue to dye my hair. I just had to rub it on my wet hair, and it would lather a bit and leave color behind. Super easy! But I wondered if my amazing stylist friend would be upset with me for using a toy to color my hair. It looked fantastic!
Later, I was alternately Cinderella/her friend helping her to get to a beauty contest on time. Along the way, we shopped a Macy's sale for dresses, then got stranded in a field where we got a magic message to wait for someone whose number was 9199. We had magic wands and could have probably moved along, but you don't ignore a magic message without expecting the worst. A dozen characters showed up and stayed, or came through for the next 7 days. I had to find out each of their numbers, but none were the right one. There was always a way to find their number without asking them. Some people carried books with them, or a sign, or a receipt, which I would casually ask to see, then scour for 9199. There was one government-type, black-suited man whose number on his name tag was 9175635257402629, which was funny.
We finally found 9199, though I don't remember what he was or looked like. When we got to the auditorium for the beauty contest, we rushed into the wings and heard a gasp from the audience. Cinderella and I then realized that her new red dress, though lovely, was identical to the woman who was currently on stage. But why did the audience gasp? We were in the wings, and still unseen. Looking around, we saw that the previous contestant also wore red, and the one before her. How gauche!
Contestants also all had a male partner to complete their fashionable pair and escort them on and off-stage, but we had none. Cinderella and I decided that was no big deal, because I could zap myself a lovely dress and be her female partner, no problem. She was resigned to just go through with the competition, despite not caring about it one whit, but I didn't want her to blend in with the rest; she was CINDERELLA! She was probably supposed to win the contest, right? Everyone else in the building was just a regular person, not a famous character. So right before she parted the curtains to walk onstage, I sneaked my magic wand out, and secretly used my magic (though weak since I was still learning), to zap the center of the back of her dress. Slowly, the dress started to change to a glittery steel color. (I had debated making it white, since there was some kind of bridal theme advertised as part of the competition, or blue, because that's Cinderella's classic look, but decided to really wow the audience by defying expectations.)
Because my magic was weak, I was disappointed to see the dress didn't change all at once, so as she walked forward, the side facing the audience was still red with fuzzy white trim (very Santa Claus). They wouldn't see she was different! But as she walked across the stage, the sparkly dark grey kept spreading from the back, and created a gorgeous transformation that ended up making a bigger impact than if she had simply walked out in a grey dress.
I had changed my dress to a sparkly light blue to give a subtle callback to classic Cinderella, and we looked breathtakingly lovely as we walked the stage together.
I don't know who won. Something happened that made us leave, but that was very Cinderella of Cinderella, to move on to the next issue that needed her without caring about personal gain.
Later, there was a queen who was sometimes wicked that helped Cinderella and me get somewhere by shrinking us and carrying us in her glass of champagne, which was almost empty. It was like a fizzy cold hot tub. I didn't trust the queen, but Cinderella was willing to risk it, so I went along.
After that, the events are too quickly devolving in my memory to record.
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